19 May 2022
May 20, 2022
21 May 2022
Saphir Dr. Jochen Steinhilber Yvonne Zwick Dr. Stefan Wilhelmy Dr. Stephen Nana Ato Arthur Dr. Simone Burel Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz
6.00 PM - approx. 8.00 PM
Opening event | Live / on site
Mannheim 2030: Gender equality and municipal cooperation
Sapphire, Jazz trio
Dr. Jochen Steinhilber, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Yvonne Zwick, Chairwoman of the Board BAUM e.V.
Dr. Stefan Wilhelmy, Engagement Global
Dr. Stephen Nana Ato Arthur, Ministry of Local Government in Ghana
Dr. Simone Burel, Moderator and Managing Director LUB GmbH
Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz, Mayor of Mannheim
Dr. Simone Burel Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Opening event
Dr. Simone Burel, Moderator and Managing Director LUB GmbH
Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz, Mayor of Mannheim
Franziska Saur Noah Fleischer Dr. Simone Burel
10.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Urban Lab 1 | Live / on site
Lab and learning workshop for administration: Gender-appropriate communication with citizens / administration
Franziska Saur, Expert for gender-equitable language
Noah Fleischer, CEO and UN Speaker on Gender Lens Investing
Dr. Simone Burel, Moderator and Managing Director LUB GmbH
Prof. Heba Allah Essam E. Khalil, PhD Thina Maphosa Opar Jackline Evangelina Colli Prof. Analía Pastrán
10.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Urban Lab 3 | Digital
The gender-equitable city we need in Africa - challenges and opportunities
Prof. Heba Allah Essam E. Khalil, PhD, Professor of sustainable urbanism at Department of Architecture
Thina Maphosa, Program Manager
Opar Jackline, Mayor Thatha Division
Evangelina Colli, Director of SDG Localization in Public Policy.
Prof. Analía Pastrán, Executive Director of Smartly Social Entrepreneurship on the SDGs
Claudia Wendland Heiko Heidemann Christian Güse Gesa Kutschera Dr. Shahrooz Mohajeri
10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
Urban Lab 4 | Digital
International operator partnerships in the water sector
Claudia Wendland, Hamburg water
Heiko Heidemann, GIZ
Christian Güse, VKU
Gesa Kutschera, Gelsenwasser AG
Dr. Shahrooz Mohajeri,
Boris Schmitt Dr. Bettina Bunk Kirsten Korte Annette Turmann Christian Hübel
10.00 AM - 4.30 PM
Urban Lab 5 | Live / on site
WS Added Value of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals for Cities and Regions and Related: Voluntary Local Reviews
Boris Schmitt, Rhine-Neckar Regional Association (OECD Project Regional Approach to Implementing the SDG's Head of Regional Management Rhine-Neckar Regional Association)
Dr. Bettina Bunk, Office for International Affairs, responsible for Voluntary Local Review Stuttgar
Kirsten Korte, Future Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region eV
Annette Turmann, Head of Department Global Sustainable Community
Christian Huebel, Head of Department Democracy and Strategy Mannheim
Suzana Tratnik Miriam Rausch Johannah Illgner
1.00 PM - 3.00 PM
Urban Lab 6 | Digital
Visibility of lesbians and queer women in public space
Suzana Tratnik, Author, translator and sociologist
Miriam intoxication, Buga
Johannah Illgner, Department of Democracy and Strategy, Department of Equality, City of Mannheim
Holly Milburn-Smith Allan Macleod Noah Fleischer Norliza Hashim Christian Hübel
3.00 PM - 4.30 PM
Urban Lab 8 | Hybrid
Partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals - The SDG Leadership Alliance
Holly Milburn-Smith, Program manager for Change (City-Hub and Network for Gender Equity))
Allan Macleod, Bristol SDG Research and Engagement Associate Bristol City Council
Noah Fleischer, CEO and UN Speaker on Gender Lens Investing
Norliza Hashim, CEO Urbanice Malaysia on Malaysia SDG Cities
Christian Huebel, Head of Department Democracy and Strategy Mannheim
Ralf Lokay Eva Müller Apu Gosalia
2.30 PM - 4.30 PM
Urban Lab 9 | Live / on site
Presentation of Regional Networks & Partnerships on the Way to a Climate-Neutral Future
Ralf Lokay, Managing Director Printing House Lokay
Eva miller, Manager Sustainability, Q_Perior
Apu Gosalia, Expert Strategy and Sustainability, Senate of the Economy / Focus Future
Liberty (he/him, they/them) Coco Wheeler (they/them, she/her) Runa Kongsvik (she/her) Max Minor (they/them) Fine Giebler (they/them) Anbid Zaman (all pronouns) Cody Freeman (all pronouns) Sören Landmann
3.30 PM - 5.00 PM
Urban Lab 10 | Digital
Liberty (he/him, they/them), Anonymous Youth Activist from Asia, The Global Center
Coco Wheeler (they/them, she/her), True Colors United
Runa Kongsvik (she/her), Clinical psychologist for Bergen Municipality
Max Minor (they/them), Member of the Organizational Team of "Queer im Schloss", queer student organization from the University of Mannheim
Fine Giebler (they/them), Member of the Organizational Team of "Queer im Schloss", queer student organization from the University of Mannheim
Anbid Zaman (all pronouns), Representative, Central Asian and Europe, ILGA World Youth Steering Committee
Cody Freeman (all pronouns), Founder and CEO, The Global Center for LGBTI+ Freedom and Education
Sören Landmann, LGBTI Commissioner, City of Mannheim
Ursula Bauer Laura Wimmer Roswitha Bocklage Hedwig Schouten Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schraut Zahra Deilami
3.00 PM - 5.00 PM
Urban Lab 11 | Digital
Implementation of the European Charter for Equality between Women and Men at the local level.
Ursula Bauer, Head of the Gender Mainstreaming Department and Deputy Head of the Management Instruments Group of the Municipal Directorate of the City of Vienna
Laura Wimmer, Deputy Head of Municipal Department Women's Service City of Vienna
Roswitha Bocklage, Head of Equality and Anti-Discrimination Office City of Wuppertal
Hedwig Schouten, Women's Representative/Head of Equal Opportunities Office City of Nuremberg
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schraut, Historian, Emeritus Prof. University of Mannheim and University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich Chairwoman of the Association Women & History Baden-Württemberg e. V.
Zahra Deilami,
Elisa Reddig Prof. Analía Pastrán Christian Hübel
1.00 PM - 2.30 PM
Urban Lab 12 | Digital
The city we need NOW! Join the World Urban Campaign
Elisa Reddig, Democracy and Strategy, City of Mannheim
Prof. Analía Pastrán, Executive Director of Smartly Social Entrepreneurship on the SDGs
Christian Huebel, Head of Department Democracy and Strategy Mannheim
Margarete Muresan Frauke Hess Sarah Schwarze Prof.in Dr.in Ulrike Krause
10.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Urban Lab 15 | Digital
Why and to what extent do mechanisms of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation intertwine in escape processes
Margaret Muresan, Project worker, IN VIA counseling center for women affected by human trafficking, Berlin and Brandenburg state
Frauke Hess, Head Of Communication
Sarah Black, Federal Coordination Group against Human Trafficking - KOK e.V. Officer/Deputy Executive Director
Prof.in Dr.in Ulrike Krause, Junior Professor for Refugee Research, University of Osnabrück, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS)
Liyubov Bezhan Kristina Mišinienė Adam Dudziak Frauke Hess Boris Gilca
1.00 PM - 2.45 PM
Urban Lab 16 | Digital
Trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation using Ukraine as an example
Liyubov Bezhan, director of the Chernivtsi City Center for Social Services
Kristina Mišinienė, director of the Center Against Human Trafficking and Exoloitation in Lithuania
Adam Dudziak, Head of the Crisis Management Department of the City Hall of Bydgoszcz City Hall of Bydgoszcz
Frauke Hess, Head Of Communication
Boris Gilca, Head of Directorate for Health and Social Assistance / Chisinau City Hall Council
Dr. Simone Burel
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Presentation of results
Dr. Simone Burel, Moderator and Managing Director LUB GmbH
Prof. Annette Kehnel Dr. Simone Burel
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Opening event

8.00 - 9.00 Arrival and short breakfast
9.00 Welcome Dr. Simone Burel
9.05 a.m. Keynote Prof. Annette Kehnel **
9.35 Summary of the previous day Dr. Simone Burel

**Book by Prof. Annette Kehnel:
We could also do otherwise - A short history of sustainability").
Blessing Publishers:
Prof. Annette Kehnel, University ProfessorChair of Medieval History
Dr. Simone Burel, Moderator and Managing Director LUB GmbH
Dr. Claudia Schöning-Kalender Lena Kamrad Susanne Deß Zahra Deilami
10.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Urban Lab 2 | Digital
Implementation of gender equality policy approaches in supervisory board work
Dr. Claudia Schöning-Calendar, City Councilor City of Mannheim
Lena Kamrad, Member of the Executive Committee AWO Mannheim
Susanne Deß, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of TELC gGmbH
Zahra Deilami,
Marija Krstanovic Miriam Neßler
1.00 PM - 2.45 PM
Urban Lab 7 | Live / on site
Cancelled: Gender perspective on cities of arrival: What do immigrant women need to arrive and stay well in the city?
Marija Krstanovic, Migration Advisory Board City of Mannheim, spokeswoman for the topic "Immigration from Southeastern Europe
Miriam Neßler, ILS - Institute for Regional and Urban Development Research
Rainer Kern
10.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Urban Lab 13 | Digital
CULTURE IS THE KEY - Gender justice cooperates with climate change
Rainer core, Managing Director Enjoy Jazz gGmbH
Steffi Schüppel Dr. Haris Piplas Nicholas You Didier Vancutsem Milena Ivkovic
10.00 AM - 12.00 PM
Urban Lab 14 | Hybrid
Landscape dimension of gender-adapted open spaces
Steffi Schüppel, Landscape architect BDLA AIAPP, International Spokesperson Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten from Dresden
Dr. Haris Piplas, Architect, Landscape and Urban Designer, Zurich, Drees&Sommer Integrated Urban Solutions
Nicholas You, Senior urban specialist Guangzhou Awards, China
Didier Vancutsem, Vice-President IFLA Europe Professional Practice
Milena Ivkovic, urban planner and placemaking expert Rotterdam, Placemaking Balkans
Dr. Tim Becker
10.00 AM - 2.00 PM
Urban Lab 17 | Live / on site
Impulse workshop on the future of civic engagement in Mannheim
Dr. Tim Becker,
Patricia Alberth Li Fan Sri Husnaini Sofjan Prof. Ines Sanchez de Madariaga Nicholas You Didier Vancutsem Milena Ivkovic Alexandra Kriegel
1.00 PM - 2.45 PM
Urban Lab 18 | Hybrid
Gender specific design of urban spaces and places
Patricia Alberth, Head World Heritage Office, Bamberg
Li Fan, Urban Planner Technical University Berlin
Prof. Ines Sanchez de Madariaga, Adjunct Director en Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Chair GenSTE association
Nicholas You, Senior urban specialist Guangzhou Awards, China
Didier Vancutsem, Vice-President IFLA Europe Professional Practice
Milena Ivkovic, urban planner and placemaking expert Rotterdam, Placemaking Balkans
Alexandra Kriegel, Head of Eigenbetrieb Stadtraumservice Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schraut
3.00 PM - 4.30 PM
Urban Lab 19 | Live / on site
Workshop with the urban community: How is the European Charter for Equality between Women and Men implemented at the local level in Mannheim?
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schraut, Historian, Emeritus Prof. University of Mannheim and University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich Chairwoman of the Association Women & History Baden-Württemberg e. V.
Lena Rübelmann Dr. Simone Burel Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
from 16.30
Interview with Lena Rübelmann (Head of GIG 7, Division Manager Female Entrepreneurship, NEXT Mannheim)

from about 5 pm
Conclusion and presentation of results / discussion with Lord Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz
Lena Rübelmann, Head GIG 7 Mannheim
Dr. Simone Burel, Moderator and Managing Director LUB GmbH
Mayor Dr. Peter Kurz, Mayor of Mannheim