
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kegelmann

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kegelmann

Vice Rector and Professor of Organization, Human Resources and Management - Kehl University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Elke Pahl-Weber

Prof. Elke Pahl-Weber

Project "Migrants4Cities" - TU Berlin
Milena Ivkovic

Milena Ivkovic

urban planner and placemaking expert Rotterdam, Placemaking Balkans
Melanie Thut

Melanie Thut

Department of Economic and Structural Development - Mannheim
Mariette Nicole Afi Amoussou

Mariette Nicole Afi Amoussou

Expert promoter migrant participation and postcolonialism
Maria Doz

Maria Doz

Department of International Affairs, Europe and Protocol Mannheim
Manouchehr Shamsrizi

Manouchehr Shamsrizi

Co-Founder gamelab.berlin


Singer and guitarist
Kristine Clev

Kristine Clev

European Affairs Officer - Rhine-Neckar Metropl Region
Dr. Ines Kappert

Dr. Ines Kappert

Director Gunda Werner Institute